Entries by admin

Smart Emmanuel’s Series: Make What Customers Want

Entrepreneurs spend so much time creating and designing products and services with the hope that the product or service will make their business a lot of money. However, most products end up draining the company’s pocket instead of filling it up with money. This sad reality make a lot of entrepreneurs wonder why customers don’t […]

Smart Emmanuel’s Selling Series: Going Global

There’s no better time for brands to begin to think global than 2021. A local store in Dallas will never utilize its true potential until it’s leaders realize there is an untapped market for them in Tokyo or Lagos. Global is the true idea of life. Solving problems and meeting needs across continents. An African […]

Smart Emmanuel’s Selling Series: How To Convert No To Yes

Asking for a sale is one of the frightening moments for a new sales person or entrepreneur. Almost everyone hates rejection and getting a NO can be very discouraging. The good news is getting a NO can be a blessing if used properly. “NO” helps you understand that your potential customer isn’t convinced your offering […]

Smart Emmanuel’s Selling Series: How To Sell Successfully

Sales unit is one of the few business units where success can be easily measured; it’s always about the numbers. Some super stars bring in great numbers for a few months and then, the numbers begin to decline. I’ve put together a few sales secrets that can help sales leaders achieve consistent sales growth.   […]

Smart Emmanuel’s Selling Series: Your Difference Is Your Strength

Your difference is your strength. Often times, people struggle to push a brand or product because it’s a copy of a fast selling brand or product. We sometimes forget that customers are intelligent and can tell the difference between an original and a cheap copy. A copy will struggle to sell at the premium price […]

Smart Emmanuel’s Selling Series: The Borderless Industry

Music is borderless. Movies are borderless. Coaching is borderless.  Apps are borderless. Business focused on rendering virtual services found favour immediately the internet was invented. October 29 1969 (the day the internet was created) is the day virtual services got lucky but 2021 is the year the harvest became so ripe; too ripe to ignore. […]